Augmented Reality (AR)

Blur the lines between the physical and digital world by using a technology that offers new and exciting ways to interact with your customers and employees.

The Need for Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality uses everyday devices like smartphones or tablets, and sensors to detect the position of physical objects and then superimposes it with computer generated content. It blends the physical and the virtual worlds, with real-world elements, to render immersive experiences. The information may be in the form of sound, video, graphics, and more.

Augmented Reality brings together new ways of information sharing and interaction capabilities. Owing to its fantastic educational and marketing potential, it can accelerate many business operations. Further, it can create new ways to promote products or enable learning new activities, facilitate the work of specialists and lead to cost savings.

Benefits of Augmented Reality

Unique customer experience

You always want your customers to have a unique and personalised experience each time they purchase from you. With Augmented Reality, the possibilities for customization are endless.
You always have the opportunity to create something that’s more engaging and extraordinary, customers will feel as though you’ve taken the time to make their experience with you as special as possible – rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach.

Competitive advantage

When you offer this technology, your business is better placed to gain traction from the experience it can provide your customers. Nowadays, customers are looking for convenience and differentiation – which is where augmented reality comes in. This gives your business a competitive advantage.

Keeps customers engaged

One of the main reasons why so many users love augmented reality is due to how engaging it can be. When done correctly, it can create a truly mesmerising experience that keeps customers coming back for more.

While it’s a great way to acquire new customers, retain current ones, and increase customer engagement. It will also ensure that your business is the first place customers look for while seeking your products or services.

Improved information and easy visualization

AR makes it possible to visualize any product in personalized context and provides the customer with additional information about your product, space, and material in real-time. The consumer can modify its characteristics (size or color) or observe it under all its seams.

Employee training

AR makes training sessions more systematic and helps your employees encounter real-life situations, and trains them to handle difficult situations and manage their stress levels.

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Why Syndrome Newedge for Augmented and Virtual Reality?


Do market research

Rather than going straight into execution, Syndrome Newedge helps you dive deeper into your business market and understand the potential of both the technologies. We invest a lot of time and effort into your market’s analysis along with competitive analysis to see what can AR and VR be used for, what is its future, and how the technologies can help your business build a different image in the marketplace.


Examine internal business challenges

While getting familiar with how other players are making profits from these technologies will help you frame your strategy, it is crucial to understand the limitations of your business processes, if any. We explore the different segments of your business and bring the individual teams on board to get a clear picture of what challenges they are facing. We create an inclusive strategy that addresses the problems of your various teams.


Assign experts based on strategy

Once the problems and possible outcomes are evaluated, we assign engineers that are most suited for your business’ strategy. The experts assigned have years of experience in creating augmented and virtual reality apps. They will help you get acquainted with how the technologies can mitigate the challenges you are facing currently. Besides, they can give you sound advice on what app features to focus upon while estimating the cost of building an application.


Quality content

Our experts push the boundaries and create content that hasn’t been done before. We make the content more unique and personalized which makes it more engaging than other standard content. Syndrome Newedge gives you more options to surprise your customers and create a necessary buzz because you can give your consumers something your competitors don`t have yet.


Focus on retention

Our focus is to create highly interactive content that retains your customers for a longer period of time and motivates them to interact with your application again and again.

Related Services

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Test user reaction and get feedback on your products in the virtual world; reduce cost and time in the real world.
State-of-the-art 3D screens that provide a unique, direct experience of true 3D viewing or mixed 2D/3D viewing without glasses or other devices.