DNS Security

DNS Security provides authentication for the origin of the DNS data helping to safeguard against attacks and protect data integrity.

The Need for DNS Security

The Domain Name System (DNS) is what converts human-readable domain names into an IP address to connect to and helps point web traffic to the right destination. It is used by all your users and all internet traffic flows through it. For this reason, it is a highly sensitive system which is exposed to many threats from cyber attackers that aim to take control of a DNS, to infect and extract all data from it. Many modern enterprises are vulnerable to DNS server security risks and incapable of protecting against volumetric attacks, whereby large amounts of traffic to your website may cause servers to crash, preventing users from finding the website.

Besides compromising the way a DNS works, a malicious attack can also aim to exploit security vulnerabilities on the server that runs the DNS services, extracting valuable data such as passwords, usernames and other personal information. These represent serious issues for companies, and make DNS security a critical component to ensure online security. DNS security helps maintain the overall integrity and availability of your DNS services as well as monitors the DNS activity to highlight any security issues that may occur elsewhere in your network.

Benefits of DNS Security

Protection against all DNS attack types

DNS security provides an effective layer of defense against DNS attacks, including DDoS, zero-day, DNS tunneling and DNS hijacking.

Content filtering

DNS Security filters content which blocks phishing attempts and reduces the chances of an employee visiting a “bad neighbourhood” from where a malicious attack could be initiated. It also blocks out sites that have potentially dangerous or malicious content, such as malware, viruses and scams.

Protection against botnets

Botnets are becoming a particularly dangerous threat as IoT devices become more popular. Botnet protection will take action to block communication with known botnet servers, protecting your devices.

Blocks advertisements

Advertisements may attempt to collect information from your employees or may have malicious applications hidden inside of them. Even if they aren’t directly malicious, advertisements can damage the performance of a system and reduce the efficiency of an employee. DNS Security blocks advertisements.


The system helps to correct something like “gogle.com” to “google.com.” This is important, as malicious attackers will often purchase these “typo” domains to install malicious programs on them or collect data from them. A “typo” domain might look like the regular domain in every respect but could collect your data once you enter it in.

Improves speed and productivity

Secure DNS servers provide a faster lookup than DNS servers provided by an ISP. DNS resolution is used many times throughout the process of connecting to the internet, so even an incremental improvement can provide substantially greater levels of employee performance.

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Why Syndrome for Security?


Our expertise

Syndrome’s security portfolio delivers greater protection for your network against an increasingly evolving and complex set of threats. Our engineers lay a foundation for security that is both agile and integrated. From your data center, branch offices, cloud environments, and everywhere in between, Syndrome gives you robust protection against even the most sophisticated threats without compromising on performance when inspecting encrypted traffic.


Define security needs

Before proposing or installing any solution, the team at Syndrome, first helps you define the level of IT network security necessary for your organization. In conjunction with your key executives, we assess any existing solutions, identify sensitive areas that need more protection and determine all points of access that need to be secured.



Once the assessment is complete, you’ll have a clearer picture of your exact security needs. We plan with your key executives on important aspects like whether to replace or upgrade vulnerable components, integrate new software or improve network access permissions.


Priorities and budgets

It is likely that there won’t be one solution to meet all your needs, hence we help you prioritize the list in terms of critical and non-critical, and include budgetary constraints. A well-thought out and detailed specification will pave the way to finalizing an implementation plan that meets your business’s needs.


Constant monitoring

Despite the best network security system you will have malicious attackers constantly probing your network for weak points. Our engineers constantly review your audit logs to find relevant information on potential threats. They tweak your security settings based on the audit log and respond before any breach occurs.


Security focused culture

We, at Syndrome, take your network security very seriously. We ensure your employees are updated on basic security measures, even if they’re not in the IT department. This includes identifying and reporting suspected phishing attempts and social engineering attacks. We hold regular training sessions on common network vulnerabilities and how to prevent them. We even help you create fake network attacks to gauge your employees’ level of preparedness.

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